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Casey Lee edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 22 revisions


Environments are defined to become a target for deploying services to. Each environment is a CloudFormation stack consisting of the following resources:

  • VPC – To provide the network infrastructure to launch the ECS container instances into. Optionally, you can target an existing VPC.
  • ECS Cluster – The cluster that the services will be deployed into.
  • Auto Scaling Group – To manage the ECS container instances that contain the compute resources for running the containers. Auto scaling policies will be defined based on memory entitlements in the cluster.
  • Application Load Balancer – To provide load balancing for the microservices running in containers.

Environment Diagram


The VPC that mu creates is shown in the diagram below:

VPC Topology



### Define a list of environments

  # The unique name of the environment  (required)
  - name: acceptance
    provider: ecs                   # The type of environment to use, ec2, eks, ecs, or ecs-fargate (default: ecs)

    ### Attributes for the ECS container instances
      imageId: ami-xxxxxx           # The AMI to use for the ECS container instances (default: latest ECS optimized AMI)
      osType: amazon                # Type of OS.  Supported values: amazon, centos7 (default: amazon)
      instanceType: t2.micro        # The instance type to use for the ECS container instances (default: t2.micro)
      instanceTenancy: default      # Whether to use default or dedicated tenancy (default: default)
      desiredCapacity: 1            # Desired number of ECS container instances (default 1)
      keyName: my-keypair           # name of EC2 keypair to associate with ECS container instances. Launches bastion host if defined. (default: none)
      sshAllow:           # CIDR block to allow SSH access from (default:
      httpProxy:     # Host and port to use for HTTP proxy for yum, docker images, and ECS (default: none)
      targetCPUReservation: 75         # Threshold for % CPU utilization to scale out ECS container instances (default: 75)
      targetMemoryReservation: 75          # Threshold for % memory utilization to scale in ECS container instances (default: 75)
      minSize: 1                    # Min size to scale the ECS ASG to (default: 1)
      maxSize: 2                    # Max size to scale the ECS ASG to (default: 2)

    ### Attributes for the ELB
      internal: true                # Whether to create an internal ELB or not (default: false)
      hostedzone:      # HostedZone in Route53 to create ELB DNS for.  Leave blank to not create DNS (default: none)
      name: api                     # Name to register in hostedzone for ELB DNS.  (default: environment name)
      certificate: 973c1a2f-8d43... # The identifier of a certificate in ACM.  If defined, will create HTTPS listener in ELB.  (default: none)

    ### Attributes for Service Discovery
      provider: route53              # Which provider to use for service discovery: `route53` is currently the only supported provider (default: route53)
      name:      # What namespace to use for service discovery (default <environment>.<namespace>.local)

    ### Attributes for the VPC to target.  If not defined, a VPC will be created. (default: none)
        vpcId: vpc-xxxxx            # The id of the VPC to launch ECS container instances into
        instanceSubnetIds:          # The list of subnets to use for ECS container instances
          - subnet-xxxxx
          - subnet-xxxxy
          - subnet-xxxxz
        elbSubnetIds:               # The list of subnets to use for ELBs
          - subnet-xxxxx
          - subnet-xxxxy
          - subnet-xxxxz


# List all environments
> mu env list

# Show details about a specific environment (ECS container instances, Running services, etc)
> mu env show <environment_name>

# View the logs from EC2 instances in your cluster
> mu env logs [--follow] <environment_name> [filter]

# Upsert an environment
> mu env up <environment_name>

# Terminate an environment
> mu env terminate <environment_name>