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Releases: volcano-sh/volcano


10 Jan 03:43
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Changes since v1.8.1

  • fix wrong pods field format output of queue status (#3287 @Monokaix)
  • add ignored csi provisioner when compute csi resources (#3286 @Monokaix)
  • fix go mod not found err (#3272 @Monokaix)
  • fix: json marsh error for unsupport type: func() (#3282 @lowang-bh)
  • fix job CRD metadata.annotations: Too long error (#3267 @Monokaix)
  • fix queue update validation err when status.allocated empty ( #3266 @Monokaix)
  • fix grafana dashboard format err (#3265 @Monokaix)
  • update parameter BestEffort of taskInfo after changing parameter InitResreq (#3232 @Lily922)
  • fix: allocated field in queue status is calcutated error (#3221 @shusley244)
  • Avoid repeatedly creating links to obtain node metrics (#3229 @wangyang0616)
  • skip 'pods' resource when checking if the Resource is empty (#3224 @Lily922)
  • queue realcapability change to min dimension of queue capability and … (#3219 @Monokaix)
  • support preemption when the number of pods of a node reaches the upper limit (#3202 @Lily922)
  • Delete duplicate logs generated by the predicate_helper method (#3214 @guoqinwill)
  • support preempting task with bound status (#3209 @Lily922)
  • support preemption when the number of attachment volumes of a node reaches the upper limit (#3212 @Lily922)
  • fix: task scheduling latancy metrics is not accurate (#3128 @lowang-bh)
  • backfill add score process (#3164 @lowang-bh)
  • Obtains the actual load data of a node from the custom metrics API (#3181 @wangyang0616)
  • Update the default value of parameter worker-threads-for-podgroup to 5 (#3180 @Lily922)
  • update version (#3166 @Lily922)


08 Oct 12:38
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Changes since v1.8.0

What's Changed

  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8] msg information optimization; preemption logic optimization by @wangyang0616 in #3082
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]Add featuregates for volcano capabilities by @Monokaix in #3093
  • [cherry-pick for release 1.8]volcano adapt k8s v1.27 by @Mufengzhe in #3101
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]successfully scheduled events will not be reported repeatedly for podGroup resource by @Lily922 in #3117
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]Add reSync task callback by @Monokaix in #3119
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]Add podGroup status to session cache, fix the bug of repeatedly sending pordGroup update request when there is no condations field. by @Lily922 in #3125
  • Update image version for release v1.8.1 by @Mufengzhe in #3136
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]fix: the pod anti-affinity constraint fails by @wangyang0616 in #3140
  • [cherry-pick for release-1.8]:feat:add printing of MemStats in dumpall by @xiao-jay in #3098

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.8.1


17 Aug 08:24
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What's New

Add JobFlow to support lightweight workflow orchestration

The workflow orchestration engine is widely used in high-performance computing, AI biomedicine, image processing, beauty, game AGI, scientific computing and other scenarios, helping users simplify the management of multiple parallel tasks and dependencies, and greatly improving the overall computing efficiency.

JobFlow is a lightweight task flow orchestration engine that focuses on Volcano job orchestration. It provides Volcano with job probes, job completion dependencies, job failure rate tolerance, and other diverse job dependency types, and supports complex process control primitives. The specific capabilities are as follows:

  • Support large-scale job management and complex task flow orchestration.
  • Support real-time query of the running status and task progress of all associated jobs.
  • Support automatic operation of jobs and scheduled start to release labor costs.
  • Various action strategies can be set for different tasks, and corresponding actions can be triggered when the task meets certain conditions, such as timeout retry, node failure drift.

Refer to the links for more details. (JobFlow doc, @hwdef, @lowang-bh, @zhoumingcheng)

Support vGPU scheduling and isolation

Since the outbreak of ChatGPT, there have been more and more research and development of AI large models, and different types of AI large models have been launched one after another. In production environment, users have pain points such as low resource utilization and inflexible GPU resource allocation. They have to purchase a large amount of redundant heterogeneous computing power to meet business needs, and heterogeneous computing power itself is expensive. It has brought a great burden to the development of the enterprise.

Starting from version 1.8, Volcano provides an abstract general framework for sharing devices (GPU, NPU, FPGA...), developers can customize multiple types of shared devices based on this framework. Currently Volcano has supported GPU device multiplexing, resource isolation based on this framework, details are as follows:

  • GPU sharing: Each task can apply to use part of the resources of a GPU card, and the GPU card can be shared among multiple tasks.
  • Device memory control: GPU can be allocated according to device memory (for example: 3000M) or allocated in proportion (for example: 50%) to realize GPU virtualization resource isolation capability.

Refer to the links for more details.

Support the preemption capability for GPU and user-defined resources

Currently, Volcano supports CPU, Memory and other basic resource preemption. GPU resources and user self-managed resources such as NPU, network resources have not been supported yet.

In version 1.8, the predication is refactored to provide more detailed response such as Unschedulable and UnschedulableAndUnresolvable for different scenarios.
The GPU preemption function has been released based on the optimized framework, and the user developed scheduling plugins based on Volcano can be adapted and upgraded according to business scenarios.

Refer to the link for more details. (#2916, @wangyang0616)

Support ElasticSearch monitoring systems in node load-aware scheduling and rescheduling

The status of the kubernetes cluster changes in real time with the creation and termination of tasks. In some scenarios such as adding or deleting nodes, changing the affinity of Pods and Nodes, and dynamically changing the lifecycle of jobs, etc. The following problems will occur. Resource utilization is unbalanced, node performance bottlenecks are offline, etc. At this time, load aware scheduling and rescheduling can help user solve the above problems.

Prior to Volcano version 1.8, the load awareness scheduling and rescheduling only supports Prometheus. Starting from version 1.8, Volcano optimizes the monitoring index acquisition framework and adds support for ElasticSearch monitoring system.

Refer to the links for more details.

Optimize Volcano's ability to schedule microservices

Add Kubernetes default scheduler plugin enable and disable switch

Volcano is a unified integrated scheduling system that not only supports computing jobs such as AI and BigData, but also supports microservice workloads. It is compatible with scheduling plugins such as PodTopologySpread, VolumeZone, VolumeLimits, NodeAffinity, and PodAffinity of the Kubernetes default scheduler, and Kubernetes default scheduling plugins capabilities Enabled by default in Volcano.

Since Volcano 1.8, the Kubernetes default scheduling plugins can be freely selected to be turned on and off through the configuration file, and all of them are turned on by default. If you choose to turn off some plugins, such as: turn off the PodTopologySpread and VolumeZone plugins, you can set the corresponding values ​​in the predicate plugin is false.
Refer to the links for more details. (#2748, @jiangkaihua)

Enhance scheduler to keep compatibility with ClusterAutoscaler

In the Kubernetes platform, Volcano is not only used as a scheduler for batch computing services, but also used as a scheduler for general services. Node horizontal scaling is one of the core functions of Kubernetes, which plays an important role in coping with the surge of user traffic and saving operating costs. Volcano optimizes job scheduling and other related logic, and enhances the compatibility and interaction with ClusterAutoscaler, mainly in the following two aspects:

  • The pod that enters the pipeline state in the scheduling phase triggers capacity expansion in time.
  • Candidate nodes are graded in gradients to reduce the impact of cluster terminating pods on scheduling load, and prevent pods from entering invalid pipeline states, resulting in cluster expansion by mistake.

Refer to the links for more details. (#2782, #3000, @wangyang0616)

Provide tolerance for exception of device plugin

When device plugin crashs or fails to report resouces for some reason and the total resource amount of the node is less than the allocated resource amount, Volcano considers that the node data is inconsistent, make the node as OutOfSync and isolates the node, and stops scheduling any new workload to the node. The isolocation machinism brought some impact to the cluster for example device plugin has no chance to be scheduled to the OutOfSync node. In Volcano v1.8, the machinism is enhanced to tolerate the exception of device plugin, the non-GPU workload like device plugin is still allowed to be scheduled to OutOfSync node.

Refer to the link for more details. (#2999, @Monokaix)

Add helm charts for Volcano

As Volcano is used in production environments and cloud environments with more and more users, simple and standard installation actions are crucial. Since version 1.8, Volcano has optimized charts package publishing and archiving actions, standardized the installation and use process, and completed the migration of historical versions v1.6 and v1.7 to the new helm warehouse.
Refer to the link for more details. (Volcano helm-charts, @wangyang0616)

Other Notable Changes

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08 Jan 16:18
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What's New

Enhanced Plugin for PyTorch Jobs

As one of the most popular AI frameworks, PyTorch has been widely used in deep learning fields such as computer vision and natural language processing. More and more users turn to Kubernetes to run PyTorch in containers for higher resource utilization and parallel processing efficiency.

Volcano 1.7 enhanced the plugin for PyTorch Jobs, freeing you from the manual configuration of container ports, MASTER_ADDR, MASTER_PORT, WORLD_SIZE, and RANK environment variables.

Other enhanced plugins include those for TensorFlow, MPI, and PyTorch Jobs. They are designed to help you run computing jobs on desired training frameworks with ease.

Volcano also provides an extended development framework for you to tailor Job plugins to your needs.

Refer to the links for more details. (#2313, @ccchenjiahuan)

Ray on Volcano

Ray is a unified framework for extending AI and Python applications. It can run on any machine, cluster, cloud, and Kubernetes cluster. Its community and ecosystem are growing steadily.

As machine learning workloads are hosting computing jobs at a density higher than ever before, single-node environments are failing in providing enough resources for training tasks. Here's where Ray comes in, which seamlessly coordinates resources of the entire cluster, instead of a single node, to run the same set of code. Ray is designed for common scenarios and any type of workloads.

For users running multiple types of Jobs, Volcano partners with Ray to provide high-performance batch scheduling. Ray on Volcano has been released in KubeRay 0.4.

Refer to the links for more details. (#2601(#755) @tgaddair)

Enhance Scheduling for Kubernetes long-running services

This enhancement makes Volcano fully compatible with the Kubernetes default scheduler for long-running services. With this enhancement, users can use Volcano to uniformly schedule long-running services and batch workloads in a single cluster.

Refer to the links for more details:

Support Kubernetes v1.25

This feature is designed to make Volcano compatible with Kubernetes 1.25.

Refer to the links for more details. (#2533, @wangyang0616)

Support multi-arch images for Volcano

This feature is designed to cross-compile volcano images of different architectures. For example, compile an image for the ARM64 architecture on an AMD64 machine.

Refer to the links for more details.(#2435, @ccchenjiahuan)

Optimize Queue Status Information

This feature is designed to enrich the information of the queue. Through this function, users can view the resource allocation of queues in real time, which is convenient for administrators to dynamically plan resources.

Refer to the links for more details.(#2592, @jiangkaihua)

Other Notable Changes

Bug Fixes

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11 Jun 17:20
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What's New

Support Dynamic Scheduling Based on Real Node Load

This feature aims to schedule pods based on real node load instead of request resource, which will optimize the node resource utilization.Currently the pod is scheduled based on the request resources and node allocatable resources other than the node usage. This leads to the unbalanced resource usage of compute nodes. Pod is scheduled to node with higher usage and lower allocation rate. This is not what users expect. Users expect the usage of each node to be balanced. More details can be referred to (#2023, #2129 @william-wang )

Support Rescheduling Based on Real Node Load

This feature enables users to rebalance the node utilization based on real node resource usage reqularlly, which is quite suitable for long-running workloads such as deployment. All the rescheduling policies and check interval can be configured according to custom scenarios. More details can be referred to (#2174, #2184 @Thor-wl )

Support Elastic Job Scheduling

This feature allows Volcano to schedule volcano job based on the [min,max] configuration in the job, which will improve resource utilization rate and shorten the execution time of training job. More details can be referred to (#2105, @qiankunli )

Add MPI Job Plugin

This feature provides a new volcano job plugin - MPI Plugin. It will be more convient for MPI users to make use of volcano job instead of manually making connections for hosts of different roles, registering required environment variables and so on. More details can be referred to (#2237, @hwdef )

Other Notable Changes

Bug Fixes


15 Mar 15:09
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Changes since v1.5.0

  • bug fix: fix the driver pod can not be created due to unreasonable admit (#2081 @william-wang )
  • bug fix: fix error message in TestValidateJobCreate ( #2077 @william-wang )
  • bug fix: Open state queue can be deleted ( #2077 @Yikun )
  • bug fix: upgrade webhook from v1beta1 to v1 to make sure volcano webhook work on K8S 1.22+ ( #2077 @william-wang )
  • bug fix: fix the proportion plugin that ignore the inqueue resource in running jobs( #2057 @Thor-wl )
  • bug fix: set the initial phase to be pending for podgroup ( #2057 @Thor-wl )
  • bug fix: regenerate installer/volcano-development-arm64.yaml to fix arm64 deployment ( #2030 @hwdef )
  • bug fix: fix queue allocated exceeds capability ( #2035 @aidaizyy @Thor-wl )


20 Feb 06:59
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Changes since v1.5.0-Beta


20 Feb 05:45
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Changes since v1.4.0


31 Dec 09:53
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What's New

Support Task Dependency

In most mainstream computing platforms such as MPI and Tensorflow, different pods undertake different roles, for example, master/worker. It is necessary to start master or worker first due to the working principle for different platforms. This feature aims to provide the ability to make the start order correct. More details please refer to (#1920, #1833, @hwdef @shinytang6 @Thor-wl )

Support Reserve Resource for Queue

This feature provides the ability to reserve resources for specified queues in order to make sure there is always guaranteed resources for urgent jobs instead of waiting for resource release or being preempted. More details please refer to (#1905, #1904, @qiankunli )

Support Specified Nodes for Volcano in Cluster

In some scenarios such as multiple schedulers, it is necessary for Volcano to be only responsible for part of nodes in the cluster. This feature enable users to configure the nodes that are responsible for the Volcano. More details can be referred to #1834 (#1821, @qiankunli )

Add Tendorflow Job Plugin

Volcano provides a unified object for job management which allows user to run AI training such as Tensorflow, Pytorch, Mxnet, MPI with Volcano Job and enjoy the enhanced lifecycle management. However it is a bit complex for some users. This features is to add Tensorflow plugin based on Volcano job plugin framework which reduces the complexity of running Tensorflow with Volcano and make it easy to use. More details can be referred to (#1874, @LuBingtan )

Other Notable Changes

Bug Fixes


18 Sep 10:14
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Changes since v1.4.0-Beta

  • fix bug about not record queue label in metric(#1722, @lowang-bh )
  • fix: do not set taskInfo.NodeName to empty when nodeInfo.RemoveTask is called(#1716, @eggiter )
  • fix(underused): Do not check overused when there is no UnderUsedResourceFn added(#1726, @eggiter )
  • pass kubeClient to admission service(#1730, @hack-qian)
  • upgrade k8s to v1.19.11 because of security notification(#1733, @Thor-wl )
  • optimize some logs in admission process(#1738, @huone1 )
  • change the Mutex to RWMutex in predicateCache(#1741, @william-wang )
  • fix vcjob not work when mount volume(#1742, @Thor-wl )
  • e2e cases about pod affinity skip cancel(#1743, @Thor-wl )
  • fix bug that vcjob is not compeleted when maxRetry is 1(#1746, @Thor-wl )
  • fix, @yahaa )